CNDE has acquired the Phased Array Company “Pioneer” System – a top of the line instrument for research in Ultrasonic NDE and more. “This unit, as configured, has a high channel count (larger array capability), ultra-high-speed throughput (GB’s per second), operating in phased array mode (beam forming and steering) or Full Matrix Capture/Total Focusing Mode (FMC/TFM) modes, or as single element probe on multi-channels. The unit was delivered with a suite of software development kits (SDK’s, in Python, flavors of C, MATLAB, LabView, etc.) allowing users to develop control and data acquisition applications using the codes with which they are most familiar. The first application of the unit will be in the mapping of the field of a phased array probe propagating through a highly complex surface for crack detection, ranging and sizing.” – says Mr. Dan Barnard, a research scientist at CNDE. This acquisition was made possible by a College of Engineering initiative to “Enhance Research Capabilities”, and other internal resources.
CNDE acquires new phased array system