Become a Member

The Center for Nondestructive Evaluation (CNDE) at Iowa State University (ISU), is a research organization solely dedicated to R&D for inspection and sensing technologies. Scientists, faculty members, engineers and students at CNDE are engaged in developing fundamental and applied science, technology and engineering know-how, as well as educational innovations that directly impact the broader NDE community. Our Vision is to “Be the preeminent national leader in fundamental and applied science; technology; and educational innovations and engineering know-how serving the broader NDE community.” One of our missions is to actively promote, develop and guide the plurality of a national agenda for the future of the NDE discipline. To this end, CNDE scientists, faculty members, engineers and students work closely with, and seek critical input from, our sponsoring members, through the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB), composed of a diverse array of industrial and governmental organizations. Membership resources (financial and experiential) are then brought together to help CNDE reach its Mission Objectives, which directly benefit the members and the broader NDE community. Our sponsors and CNDE, benefit from this close relationship in several distinct and impactful ways (member benefits), including:

  • Two annual face-to-face meetings at CNDE, to discuss:
    • the overall state of CNDE and progress made on achieving its mission objectives,
    • setting a “broader” NDE research agenda, and
    • “NDE hot-button issues” and “grand challenges” that will have significant future impacts on NDE.
  • Setting research objectives and agenda for the IAB-sponsored research projects, based on collectively-agreed upon research topics of interest to all IAB members.
  • Guiding, soliciting, evaluating and selecting research proposals which are then funded by the financial resources comprised of the IAB membership dues.
  • Recommending updates/changes to CNDE bylaws and/or operating procedures (from current membership agreement).
  • IAB members benefit by:
    • having direct access to 30+ scientists, faculty members from several different academic departments at ISU (their students and postdocs) for research consultation and establishing individual research grant sponsorship,
    • having access to extensive and state-of-the-art NDE-focused (all modalities) research laboratory equipment infrastructure,
    • the ability to establish long-term relationships with NDE-knowledgeable students for future employment, Co-Op and internship activities,
    • the ability to collaborate on large national NDE-related initiatives (e.g., BAAs, directed research topics, grand challenges, etc.) requiring university and academic institution collaboration,
    • the ability to collaborate with CNDE scientists and faculty members on SBIR and STTR projects, earmarked for small businesses, to also help promote development of novel NDE tools, generate new IP and improve TRL in many areas of NDE, and
    • helping guide CNDE’s educational activities, which directly impact their employees and scientific staff.

CNDE sponsorship can be facilitated through becoming a FULL or an AFFILIATE Member.

For information on becoming a sponsor please contact:
Reza Zoughi
Phone: 515-294-5704
