X-ray Nondestructive Evaluation & Radiography
- Experimental X-Ray NDE
- X-Ray and Xray Scatter Modeling
- Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis
- Teaching: X-ray Imaging, NDE & Engineering Fundamentals
- Radiological Emergency Response Operation
- Plume Modeling
- Dose Assessment
- X-ray Imaging
Computed Tomography
- X-ray scatter
- X-ray Modeling
- Radiological Emergency Response
- Plume Modeling and Dose Assessment
Scott Wendt
- Research Scientist III
- Iowa Task Force Leader, Radiological Operations Support Specialist
MS, BS, Nuclear Engineering
Selected Publications
R. Whitesell, A. McKenna, S. E. Wendt, J. Gray, “Volumetric Measurement of Residual Stress Using High Energy X-Ray Diffraction” QNDE, July 2015.
Jensen, and S. E. Wendt, “X-ray Source Considerations in Operation of Digital Detector Arrays” QNDE, July 2012.
Nakagawa, S. E. Wendt, S. R. Hentscher, D.L. Nelson, K.T. Buhr, B.A. Kilbugh, and D.C. Raithel, “Studies into the Effects of Surface Roughness on Spatial Eddy Current Signal Data from Nickel-Based Engine Alloys” QNDE, July 2006.
Zolfaghari, Kellogg, Wendt, Gray “High-Speed X-ray Radiography Diagnostic of Current Interruption in Circuit Breakers”, Review of Scientific Instruments an Institute of Physics, 2001.
Wendt, S. E., Gray, J. and Beckman, S., “Energy Dispersive Measurements of Anisotropic Diffraction Mottling Effects” QNDE, Ames, Iowa, July 2000.