Materials State, Materials Characterization and Additive Manufacturing
Modeling structure-property relationships
- Predict material properties and their statistical distributions given microstructure and composition
- Design allowable predicted to <1% (yield strength), 3% (ultimate strength), and 5% (fracture toughness)
New Materials Characterization Methods
- Large area microstructure state characterization, including spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy (SRAS) for orientation and texture analysis – via a partnership with Univ. of Nottingham
- Defect density concentration across length scales
Additive Manufacturing / Physical Metallurgy
- Fundamental studies of the influence of processing on the resulting material state (chemistry, microstructure, texture, and anomalies)
- All metallic processes, independent of scale

Peter C. Collins
Al and Julie Renken Professor in Materials Science and Engineering Collins Research Group website Academic department profile
Funded Research Sponsors
- NSF, DoE, ONR, Air Force & others
- Multiple industrial partners
- DoD-sponsored SBIR
- Physical metallurgy, materials characterization, electron and photon microscopy, modeling, nonferrous structural alloys
Recognitions, Awards & Patents
- Henry Howe Medal, ASM
- Champion Mathewson Award, AIME and TMS
- Teaching and research awards at ISU and UNT
- Several patents under review