Integrated Computational Material Design Laboratory
Research Focus
- Generating virtual database of the material’s microstructure
- Establishing numerical techniques to homogenize microstructure to obtain physical properties such as stiffness, strength, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, permeability, degradation, and piezoelectric.
- Material informatics and application of scientific machine learning for structure properties links
- Design and optimization of the printable metamaterial
Selected Publications
- Linking properties to microstructure in liquid metal embedded elastomers via machine learning, AT Anantharanga, MS Hashemi, A Sheidaei– Computational Materials Science, 2023
- Programmable Bidirectional Mechanical Metamaterial with Tunable Stiffness and Frictional Energy Dissipation, A McCrary, MS Hashemi, A Sheidaei – Advanced Theory and Simulations, 2022
- A new statistical descriptor for the physical characterization and 3D reconstruction of heterogeneous materials, A Bagherian, S Famouri, M Baghani, D George, A Sheidaei, Transport in Porous Media, 2022
- 3-D microstructure reconstruction of polymer nano-composite using FIB–SEM and statistical correlation function, A Sheidaei, M Baniassadi, M Banu, P Askeland, LT Drzal- Composites Science and Technology, 2013
Funded Research Sponsors
- Federal Funding – NASA, NSF, AFRL
- Internal Funding – Iowa State University
- Industry: KARAX LLC