Dayal, Vinay

Vinay DayalVinay Dayal

Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Faculty Associate, Center for Nondestructive Evaluation

Academic department profile


  • B.S. Aeronautics (1972- IIT-Kanpur)
  • M.S. Engineering Mechanics (Missouri U Sc. & Tech. 1983)
  • Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering (1987 Texas A&M)

Selected publications

  • Damage Detection in a Multi-Layered, Multi-Material Composite Using Air-Coupled Ultrasonic Resonance Imaging, Livings, R., Dayal, V. & Barnard, D. J Nondestruct Eval (2016) 35: 55.
  • Influence of laminate sequence and fabric type on the inherent acoustic nonlinearity in carbon fiber reinforced composites, S. K. Chakrapani, D. Barnard, V. Dayal, JASA, Vol. 139(5), May 2016, pp: 2310-2319.
  • Dayal, Vinay; Conceptual Design of Pressurized Shelters on the Lunar Surface, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 27(1), 33-39,(2012).
  • V.K. Kinra and V. Dayal, “Acoustic Methods of Evaluating Elastic Properties, or, Will the Real Young’s Modulus Please Stand Up?”, Ch. 19, in Manual on Experimental Methods of Mechanical Testing of Composites, Ed. C.H. Jenkins, SEM, Inc., 1998.


  • NDE of Composite Materials
  • NDE of Wind Turbine Blades
  • Air-Coupled Ultrasonics
  • Finite Element Analysis
  • Mechanics and Design of Composites

Personal & professional goals

  • Research in ultrasonic NDE
  • Teaching aerospace structures analysis and design
  • Industry interaction for development of composite materials and technology